Facebook hacking i.e. Hack a facebook account is illegal, we are teaching you this to prevent you from these scams. You will be responsible if you hack any account. If you account has been hacked, then please follow this link, http://www.facebook.com/hacked, answer a few simple question and get your account back. Follow steps carefully, otherwise you will lost your account permanently.
There are several ways of hacking facebook. Some are phishing, remote keylogger, keylogger, cookie stealing, click hijacking, etc.
What is Keylogger? [The easiest way]
A keylogger is a software which records every typed letter of your keyboard or of your virtual system keyboard.
How it works?
You install a remote keylogger to the victim pc without visiting the victim pc, it records the key stroke and screenshots and mail it to you.
This way you can hack anyone account. Its the simplest method. But, it costs. The name of a working remote keylogger is "SniperSpy", but it costs at least $19 for a month. If you want to hack account using remote keylogger, then you can buy it. More info on rates and plans are available here: http://www.sniperspy.com/purchasing.html
Please dont ask us for the crack of this keylogger because its not available to us.
You can also use a keylogger(Not a remote keylogger), just install it on your pc, then allow someone to use his/her facebook account on your system, as he/she will enter his/her details, it will get recorded in your system. Just look at it and id hacked. A good invisible keylogger is "Ecodsoft".